Brahms's Lullaby, Wiegenlied in German.
Demo in Eb major
Piano accompaniment in Eb major
Piano accompaniment in F major
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Lyrics translation: Good evening, good night, with roses adorned, with carnations covered. Slip under the covers. Tomorrow morning, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Good evening, good night. By angels watched, who show you in your dream the Christ-child's tree. Sleep now peacefully and sweetly, see the paradise in your dream.
Cradle Song is the common name for a number of children's lullabies with similar lyrics, the original of which was Brahms's Wiegenlied. Op. 49, No. 4, published in 1868 and widely known as Brahms's Lullaby. It's first sung by his friend, Bertha Faber, as the piece had been written to celebrate the birth of her son. Brahms had been in love with her in her youth and constructed the melody of the Wiegenlied to suggest, as a hidden countermelody, a song she used to sing to him.
歌词大意:安睡吧!小宝贝,丁香, 红玫瑰在轻轻爬上床陪你入梦乡。愿上帝保护你,一直睡到天明。安睡吧!小宝贝,天使在保佑你,在梦中出现了美丽的圣诞树,你静静地安睡吧,愿你梦见天堂。