Sunday, 15 March 2020

How to Improve Sight Reading at ABRSM

As a teacher of the ABRSM syllabus for over 10 years, most learners always said the sight reading was the hardest part of the exam. In my experience learners delay the more challenging aspects of the exam and consequently many of them do not practice regularly and leave it until just before the exam. They therefore have more risk of a sub-optimal outcome.

The majority of the learners are slow, with a lot of hesitations, mistakes on notes, rhythm, ignoring musical directions. Frequently their hands and eyes cannot coordinate properly while playing even a short extract. Because they are frustrated by the challenging task and limited progress, it is only human nature that they are discouraged from properly engaging with sight-reading.

Understandably, the ABRSM’s marking criteria places great emphasis on the importance of rhythm[1]. As we all appreciate, simply playing note-by-note without any attention to fluency or rhythm represents a poor approach to sight reading. So as tutors we need to devise ways of solving this problem. We need to find novel ways of explaining the importance of sight reading and devising training procedures step by step, separately, especially to the young learners.

One approach would be to set a slow pulse, say 60 bpm:
1.        Clap the rhythm in time, whilst using relatively simple extracts.
2.        Ask the learner to read the notes out loudly.
3.        Follow the marked fingering and position hands properly, with the aim of the learner being able to play without looking at their hands, initially slowly and carefully, whilst trying to count the beats as well.
4.        After some practice and once the learner’s ability and confidence is enhanced, they can move on to playing in exam mode, where they are encouraged to keep going and ignore any mistake while counting the beats.
I have a ‘drink’ menu to train the rhythm. For example, when seeing a crotchet, say TEA; when seeing two quavers, we have a two-syllable word (COF-FEE) etc.[2]

I am also exploring some new methods for the higher grades sight readers. For example, the simplification. Learners identify and try to play the most important notes, which are normally on the strong beats and including some accidentals too. Longer valued notes are more important than the shorter ones on the weak beats. Melody is more important than accompaniment. Learners suddenly seem quite relived by this; they are soon able to keep counting and playing the important notes with both hands, with the music flowing more smoothly. This technique can make a significant difference; their mark can be dramatically changed from below a pass to well above a pass (14 marks)[3]. The potential downside to this, and something I worry about, is that later on, the learners may be reluctant to challenge the difficulty of the full version. This is an instance where perhaps training for the exam may not be exactly in line with what is ideal for the learners long-term development.

For the very top marks, the examiner will also be looking out the musical details. Very few learners can be precise with this, I am still looking for more training methods to help improve this aspect of learning. This is something I want to improve as at the moment I am merely reminding them to focus on this, but there has to be a more effective training technique. I would really welcome any suggestions.
There is a very popular Youtube channel called MusicOnline UK, where the tutor Robert always has very helpful insights. He points out that one important element for a distinction that the examiner will be looking for is confident presentation in sight reading. But how to help learners to achieve that? Robert has a further explanation: “Think of the test as a musical performance. It is not just a test on if you can recognize basic pitches and rhythms. Try to play with conviction.”[4] I always make my students aware of this.
We are all aware of the importance of training students’ presentation and performance skills. Like other tutors, I always encourage my students to play in front of their friends, family and in a school concert. It is always worth reminding their parents to look for opportunities for the student to perform in public. I encourage one student to plays to another student and sometimes I will play too. Occasionally, the three of us will form a mini concert for about 5 minutes, finished by a round of applause, a big smile and, if they are young, a Super Star sticker.
When learning of a new piece, it is important to use a lot of description words to create musical pictures in learner’s head; this is helpful to reduce nerves, so that they can focus on creating the musical image while performing. All these valuable ideas are mentioned in Robert’s book, videos etc. Finally, I quote Roberts’s words “If you enjoy performing, the examiner will enjoy listening.” [5]Keep practicing and keep smiling.
Here is a sight reading checklist to share with you.

1.        Check the time signature.
2.        Check the key signature. Find the key chord or note.
3.        Read the marked fingering and put the fingers of both hands over the notes.
4.        Read the music in little chunks, looking for note patterns. A step or a skip? up or down?
5.        Look for any repeated rhythm patterns.
6.        Notice any performance markings, such as the suggested speed and dynamics.
7.        Image how the piece might sound, keeping a steady pulse while playing the correct notes.
8.        Try out the piece slowly, with both hands.
9.        Finally play the piece at a speed you can manage, steadily, without stopping even if you make a mistake. 
10.    Look ahead aim for fluency. If in doubt, miss the note out … or make it up! 

[1] Marking Criteria (all instrument) 2013 ABRSM 
[2] Teaching rhythm with drinks! from
[3] Marking Criteria (all instrument) 2013 ABRSM 
[4] Mr Robert Alan Kay, MusicOnline UK & “How to get a Distinction at ABRSM”, 9 
[5] Mr Robert Alan Kay “How to get a Distinction at ABRSM”, 43.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Preparing for online music teaching during COVID-19

The World Health Origination issued new guideline to help protect children and schools from transmission of the COVID-19 virus this week. In the event of school closure, the measures include remote learning option such as online education etc.[1]So far as I know, nearly all universities and schools in China have remained shut for over one month now. Although the schools are shut, teaching continues online.

Because of COVID-19, there are 290 million students out of school worldwide, something which is completely unprecedented the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation says.[2] As teachers, we have conflicting interests; we want our pupils, our families and ourselves to be safe (therefore less contact / lessons), yet we also want the pupils to be educated and us to maintain some income. It might be that everything is locked down and no one knows when this disaster will end. So perhaps this is an ideal time to prepare for teaching online.

My son is a maths tutor and so he is in a similar situation; in investigating this we have found that there are some similarities in teaching maths and music theory online, but that teaching a pupil to play an instrument online presents its own unique challenges.

Now, before any lockdown, is the ideal chance to start the online teaching, while we are still able to discuss the practicalities of online teaching while sitting with the pupil and often the pupil’s parent. It is also a good challenge to expand our current teaching capability after reading the Section 26.4.2 Online Community Music. “Online music-making has reflected the growing realisation that both music and community can be established in offline (in-person) as well as online communities.”[3] In another example, Educator Kruse (2013) also shared his experience of learning mandolin solely through online resources. Data sources included online instructional video observation, weekly practice logs, recorded practice sessions, personal journal entries and personal memos.[4] [5]

In my limited experience of recent online tutoring, teaching piano remotely is manageable for adults and experienced learners about 8 years old above, but it’s challenging and particularly difficult for very young pupils, parent need to help out definitely; The technology for this form of tutoring is mainly HD camera, a microphone and speaker (or headphone). We set up a small desk beside my piano, with the camera positioned so that the pupil can see my face and my hands on the keyboard. The software could be Skype, Wechat, Facetime or WhatsApp. Using an iPad or a laptop are also ok. A few of my students are happy to carry on, some are still thinking. If you have large number of students, registering with agents, they provide booking and invoicing services, but students have to pay commission per session. Tutorful, provide such service.

Some experienced teachers just like Kruse’s mandolin teacher have gone through a lot of hard work, prepared videos and printable materials, learners pay subscription or buy lessons, then can log on and study at any time. As a learner, I was very happy about my grade 8 music theory online course, studied on the train, walking on the treadmill. I also thought about doing some similar for my piano teaching but neither have time to do videos, nor have accumulated a lot of electronic teaching materials. There are also teachers organise their own online group chats. I really enjoyed some music history and harmony sessions before. If you can advertise yourself, Zoom, Wechat are popular for online classroom.

About online music theory, several software packages are available, but one we like is BitPaper. This is quite easy to use and allows the tutor or pupil (or their parent) to upload documents (e.g. theory question) which both pupil and tutor can write on in real-time. We use a graphic tablet so writing is like with a pen but it is also possible to write with a mouse. At the end, BitPaper allows us to generate a PDF document of the session so all the work and notes are kept.

If anyone else has other ideas or experience, please share. I hope we can carry on working through online classes during this difficult time.